Our History
The History of the church reveals it significant role in making its community a better place to live. Paradise history is rich, even though much of it is unrecorded. Some records were destroyed by storm that would have enabled us to give a more detailed and accurate account of our past. However, memories both vivid and dim remain with the off springs of our forefathers.
With these memories and accounts from those person that are still here, we are able to reveal these accounts of the history of the church.
Our History begins in the year of 1870 under the leadership of Rev. W. M. Smith with the name Paytie Chapel Baptist Church. After moving to a different location, the name was changed to Paradise Baptist Church.
In 1949 Paradise was destroyed by a tornado and had to be rebuilt under the leadership of Rev. CN Ford serving as pastor.
In 1954 Rev. J.S. Dunn was elected pastor. Rev. Dunn served from 1954 until 1974.
May 4, 1974, Rev. Lloyd Summons was elected pastor of Paradise. Under Pastor Summons leadership the church grew spiritually and financially and God blessed us to relocate and build a new church.
After faithfully serving as Pastor of Paradise for thirty three years, Pastor Summons announced his retirement on July 8, 2007.
December 2, 2007, Paradise elected Rev. Darryl Wilkins as Pastor. Pastor Wilkins served from December 2007 through February 2011. January, 2012, Paradise elected Rev. Jimmy T. Rosby as pastor. By the grace of God, we have come a long way, and we are still on the upward move striving to do the will of God.
Currently, Rev. Leonard Burgest Sr. serves as pastor of Paradise. He was called to pastor on December 15, 2013.
We praise God for all of His Goodness Through the years and pray that our accomplishments and service are a Reflection of His Glory.