Evangelism/Outreach Ministry
Purpose: The purpose of the Evangelism/Outreach Ministry is to answer God’s call to reach and touch the lives of people who may not know that God loves them and that He has a plan for them. In love and with action, we are to build relationships with each other and with God. (Luke 14: 21-23/Matt. 28: 19, 20/Acts 1:8)
Mission & Vision:
The Mission of the Evangelism/Outreach Ministry is to become a light and witness of the Gospel to everyone who will hear by declaring that Jesus Christ is Lord. We seek to make a difference through spiritual, educational, vocational, and outreach care so that fallen men and women can return to God.
The Vision of the Evangelism/Outreach Ministry is to answer God’s call to reach and touch the lives of people who may not know that God loves them and that He has a plan for them. In love and with action, we are to build relationships with each other and with God….
A commitment to the person of Christ, focusing on the Worship.
A commitment to the people of Christ, focusing on the World.
A commitment to the plan of Christ, focusing on the Word.
Youth Ministry
“Youth for Christ-A Chosen Generation” youth ministry is
offering positive guidance and support services designed
to assist youth in making positive spiritual, academic,
behavior, career and personal decisions through
activities that encourage academic excellence, positive
self-esteem, personal and Spiritual growth through
Sunday School, Bible Study and a variety of youth
focused resources and activities in church and in the
Praise Team Ministry
Purpose: The primary function of the Praise Team will be to lead the congregation in true worship under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth”. (John 4:24)
Mission & Vision:
The Mission of the Praise Team Ministry is to be wise stewards of the spiritual musical gifts that God has blessed you with so that you can be a blessing to the congregation in a way that glorifies God and creates an atmosphere of praise.
The Vision of the Praise Team Ministry is to provide an environment that encourages and enables participants to be equipped to lead the congregation in praise and worship on a continual basis.
PBC Sister-2-Sister Women’s Ministry
Mission statement: The purpose of the women’s ministry is to support women in their
relationship with God so that through spiritual friendships, mentoring, modeling, and
teaching one another, we might experience and become all that God intends us to be.
We believe as women grow and mature in godliness, they are better equipped to
nurture their families, enrich the church, and evangelize their communities.
Deacon Ministry Purpose and Mission & Vision
Purpose: The purpose of the deacon ministry is to function as servants in the church in accordance with the meaning of the word and the practice of the New Testament. Their purpose is to serve the Lord by conducting the caring ministry of the church; doing the work of benevolence, visiting the sick, and being alert to the spiritual needs of the congregation. They are to be the principal administrators of the benevolence ministry. They are to be zealous to guard the unity of the Spirit and peace, being responsible for overseeing steps of correction, discipline, and restoration in the church. They are to heighten the spiritual tone in the church by example and word. They shall assist in serving the Lord’s Supper. The deacons shall help free the pastor (and other ministerial staff) to focus on prayer, the ministry of the Word, and the equipping ministry. Their service should facilitate the spread of the gospel and promote unity within the church.
Mission & Vision: The Deacon Ministry of Paradise Baptist Church is comprised of men who are ordained to serve God’s people. This ministry is also made up of dedicated caregivers who share in the ministry of concern for the total well-being of the church body. The Deacon Ministry is an extension of the Pastor's ministry to love and care for the Paradise Church Family. This mission of the Deacon Ministry is defined by, and scripturally upheld in Acts 6: 1-4.